As I am a big fan of president Obama. I was skeptical of bits and pieces of this address much like many others from the past. As much as he talks about domestic spending and cuts for many agencies and sectors of our United States government. How do we plan to get by with cutting billions of collective monies from Departments such as defense? What have we been spending all of this money on? Have we been just wasting it away for the centuries before us, and why do we keep spending money that we can supposedly do without spending, as we dig a deeper hole for ourselves? It seems like Obama has been the first president recently who has even touched on the matter. How we are able to cut millions from many departments in which we really don’t need to be spending. If it is really as easy as he makes it seem then what else are we spending unnecessary monies on? By cutting all of this funding I at least hope that it gets pumped into departments of our nation that really need it. Schools and maybe projects as he mentioned that will make not just the U.S. but the world a safer cleaner planet for generations to come that sounds to me to be beneficial. Biomedical research, information technology and clean energy spending seems to me areas which have finally been addressed that in the future will help us spend notoriously less as well as being cleaner and safer in our everyday lives. As Americans we are a smart country it just baffles me that we are just not realizing that we are spending too much of things we don’t really need.
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